Friday, December 7, 2007

The Practice of Dzogchen 101, Thregchod

I: The Practice of Dzogchen 101, Thregchod

Thregchod( cutting through) is the training on the union of intrinsic awareness and emptiness.

By relying on the primordial purity/ the emptiness, the intrinsic awareness should be brought forth nakedly, one should be free from elaboration, and the phenomenal existents will also dissolve into the ultimate nature, the emptiness.

Lochen Dharmasri explains Thregchod is the contemplation in the view of primordial purity without waverings.

" The nature of the mind is Buddha from the beginning.
Mind is like space, it has neither birth nor cessation.
Having realized the pure and equalness meaning of phenomena,
To remain in it without seeking is the meditaion. "

There are four stages of realizations through meditation.

" They are dwelling, unmoving, equalness and spontaneity."

These four stages are: 1. The direct ultimate nature
2. Development of Experiences
3. Perfection of intrinsic Awareness
4. Dissolution the ultimate Nature

" Remaining naturally is the contemplation. "
If one does not understand the intrinsic meaning of these four stages, one should parctice meditation, either on the cushion, or on our daily life.

To enter the four natural stage of comtemplation, here is the method:
Step 1. view the mountain- like natural contemplation...
Step 2. Meditaion of ocean like natural contemplation...
Step 3. contemplation on the relaxed three doors....
Step 4. Contemplated on the five exteranl objects naturally as they are....

I will further explain these four steps in the coming sessions...