噶千仁波切, 四種觀想
2015 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation Day 4: Meditation on mantra recitation and its benefits
台灣噶千佛學會 合十
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2015 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation Day 4: Meditation on mantra recitation and its benefits
Garchen Rinpoche's talk on the meditation of mantra recitation and its benefits:
1. Taking the mantraas Deity: Within one mantra, there is one deity. For example, if there are 100 million mantras in a prayer wheel, everytime it's turned one round, the power of 100 million mantra is generated. If a practitioner turns the prayer wheel one round with bodhichitta, it equals 100 million deity emitting from the prayer wheel to benefit sentient beings.
2. Taking the mantra as offering: Taking the mantra as an offering to beautify the purelands of the Buddhas. It can produce all kinds of unimaginable virtuous offerings.
3. Taking the mantra as purifucation of negative karma: When meditating on the wheel of mantra, one's and other's negative karma is immediately purified. Meditating on one diety equals meditating on all Buddha and Boddhisattvas.
4. Taking the mantra as blessing: Reciting the mantra produces the power of the deity. We should all have this understanding. For example, when we meditate the body, speech and mind of Cherezig, if we understand the mind of Cherezig is compassion, our meditation produces unimaginable merits.
If we can keep these four meditations during mantra recitation, we are able to benefit more beings, and our defilements and thoughts are purified.
Besides, there is Accomplishment of Siddhis:
Common Siddhis: we are able to arise compassion to sentient beings and can accomplish worldly activities.
Uncommon Siddhis: We will not forget deity and will keep the deity constantly in our mind, realizing Boddhichitta and keeping Boddhichitta to our mind constantly.
May this benefit all beings!
Taiwan Garchen Dharama Institute